Monday, February 25, 2008

I'd take either.

I'm sorry if these are being pimped all over the place, but I just got turned onto them, and I think that now I could probably die happy.

Watch this one FIRST.

Then, change your underwear, and watch this one.


Liv said...

i'm going to go with fucking matt damon. from what i understand, he likes to do it beside the mini-bar. and i like things in the form of bars--monkeys, gold, soap, chocolate, booze...

for a different kind of girl said...

These have been the funniest things I've seen in the past month. I killed a bit too much time watching Matt Damon spoofs on YouTube after first watching his 'love song'!

m said...

thank you for these! i don't stay up late enough to enjoy watching such hilarity.

i would love to break up a guy because i was fucking matt damon.


furiousBall said...

Jimmy and Sarah are so cool.

lu said...

note to self...laugh.

I almost for got how.