Wednesday, August 6, 2008

There but for the grace…

I can't sleep. Calder has been coughing, tossing and turning with fever. He'll be fine, I'm sure, in the morning, but for now the two of us are needing sleep and comfort.

Or so I thought.

The Girl in the Window

We don't even know what need is.

I can't even begin to comprehend, let alone comment, on the first part of this. But I say to Diane, Bernie, and William that your strength and commitment is more inspiring than anything I have ever witnessed. I am awed.

Dani is blessed.


Now go hug your babies.


Anonymous said...

your title? I think I was just saying that the other day...

Lisa said...

you've been making me think a lot lately -- your posts have had a certain poignancy to them.

flutter said...

that story is kicking my ass.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Sometimes there are just no answers.

Farrell said...

I read that too. There are some sick, sick people in this world. and some very good people. Though I'm disturbed by the fact that Dani's adopted parents make their son sleep in the laundry room. WTF?

Anonymous said...

Great title. I did hug my baby after reading this. I have no words.